Integration between Ongoing WMS and 24SevenOffice

The WMS integration between Ongoing WMS and 24SevenOffice can be utilized by logistics partners (3PL) to onboard new customers with 24SevenOffice as ERP, as well as for companies that operate their own warehouse and that uses 24SevenOffice as ERP.

With Ongoing WMS you can enjoy new features such as batch-picking, efficient picking routes, device-agnostic scanning to reduce errors, automatic label printing, bulk product editing, and much more.

Table of contents

Getting started

To be able to activate the integration this information is needed from 24SevenOffice:

After you have this information, go to Administration->Integrations->New integration and choose 24SevenOffice in the list. If you need help with settings etc, please contact your Ongoing representative.


The integration contains the following processes. They can be independently switched on or off.

Article registry

Ongoing WMS pulls article registry updates from 24SevenOffice.

Field mapping

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS field name 24SevenOffice field name
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ProductCodeProduct ⇒ Id
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ArticleNumberProduct ⇒ No
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ArticleNameProduct ⇒ Name
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ArticleDescriptionProduct ⇒ Description
ArticleDefinition ⇒ BarCodeProduct ⇒ EAN1
ArticleDefinition ⇒ WeightProduct ⇒ Weight

Sales orders

Ongoing WMS pulls all confirmed sales orders (invoices) from 24SevenOffice to Ongoing WMS. Ongoing WMS updates the order status in 24SevenOffice to "Sent" when the order has been shipped. There is an option to update status in 24SevenOffice when an order has been imported to Ongoing WMS. This option is switched off by default.

Field mapping

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS field name 24SevenOffice field name
OrderInfo ⇒ GoodsOwnerOrderNumberInvoiceOrder ⇒ OrderId
OrderInfo ⇒ DeliveryDateInvoiceOrder ⇒ DeliveryDate
OrderInfo ⇒ ReferenceNumberInvoiceOrder ⇒ ReferenceNumber
OrderInfo ⇒ SalesCodeInvoiceOrder ⇒ YourReference
OrderInfo ⇒ WayOfDeliveryInvoiceOrder ⇒ DeliveryMethod ⇒ Description
OrderInfo ⇒ WayOfDeliveryType ⇒ CodeInvoiceOrder ⇒ DeliveryMethod ⇒ Id
OrderInfo ⇒ WayOfDeliveryType ⇒ NameInvoiceOrder ⇒ DeliveryMethod ⇒ Description
OrderInfo ⇒ OrderRemarkInvoiceOrder ⇒ InvoiceTitle
Customer ⇒ CustomerNumberInvoiceOrder ⇒ CustomerId
Customer ⇒ NameInvoiceOrder ⇒ CustomerDeliveryName
Customer ⇒ AddressdeliveryAddress ⇒ Street
Customer ⇒ PostCodedeliveryAddress ⇒ PostalCode
Customer ⇒ CitydeliveryAddress ⇒ PostalArea
Customer ⇒ CountryCodedeliveryAddress ⇒ Country
Customer ⇒ CountryStateCodedeliveryAddress ⇒ State
Customer ⇒ MobilePhoneInvoiceOrder ⇒ CustomerDeliveryPhone *
Customer ⇒ TelePhoneInvoiceOrder ⇒ CustomerDeliveryPhone *
Customer ⇒ EmailInvoiceOrder ⇒ InvoiceEmailAddress **
Customer ⇒ InvoiceAddress ⇒ nameInvoiceOrder ⇒ CustomerName
Customer ⇒ InvoiceAddress ⇒ AddressinvoiceAddress ⇒ Street
Customer ⇒ InvoiceAddress ⇒ PostCodeinvoiceAddress ⇒ PostalCode
Customer ⇒ InvoiceAddress ⇒ CityinvoiceAddress ⇒ PostalArea
Customer ⇒ InvoiceAddress ⇒ CountryCodeinvoiceAddress ⇒ Country
Customer ⇒ InvoiceAddress ⇒ CountryStateCodeinvoiceAddress ⇒ State
CustomerOrderLines ⇒ ProductCodeInvoiceRow ⇒ ProductId
CustomerOrderLines ⇒ ExternalOrderLineCodeInvoiceRow ⇒ RowId
CustomerOrderLines ⇒ NumberOfItemsInvoiceRow ⇒ Quantity

* If null or empty: try CompanyService phonenumbers.

** If null or empty: try CompanyService email addresses.

Supplier registry

This setting is switched off by default. When it is activated, Ongoing WMS pulls information about the suppliers (companies) when they are updated in 24SevenOffice.

Field mapping

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS field name 24SevenOffice field name
Supplier ⇒ SupplierNumberCompany ⇒ Id
Supplier ⇒ SupplierNameCompany ⇒ Name
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ AddressCompany ⇒ Addresses ⇒ Post ⇒ Street
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ PostCodeCompany ⇒ Addresses ⇒ Post ⇒ PostalCode
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ CityCompany ⇒ Addresses ⇒ Post ⇒ City
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ CountryCodeCompany ⇒ Addresses ⇒ Post ⇒ Country

Stock balance updates

Ongoing WMS writes the stock quantity to 24SevenOffice if the stock levels between the systems differ. This makes sure that you always have accurate stock levels and that you do not sell anything that is out of stock.

Default settings and considerations

The following needs to be considered before Ongoing WMS can activate the integration.
  1. Synchronization interval.
    Default: Every 15 minutes. It is usually a suitable balance between responsiveness and band-width usage.
  2. Do you have variations of the same article in the ERP system? E.g. different colors, sizes and packaging.
    Default: No.
  3. Which status should sales orders have to be pulled to the WMS?
    Default: Confirmed.
  4. Should fulfilled orders be notified to the ERP?
    Default: Yes. If the answer is yes answering the following questions:
    1. When should orders be reported to the ERP?
      Default: When the sent button is pressed in the WMS.
    2. Which status should the fulfilled orders be updated to?
      Default: Sent.
  5. Should status on orders in the ERP system be updated when they are imported?
    Default: No.
  6. Are any other fields required than the above listed? (E.g. pricing information required for customs handling)