Videos about Ongoing WMS

All of our videos are collected on our Youtube channel.

Table of contents

Introduction to Ongoing WMS

Introduction to Ongoing WMS for 3PL

Demo - e-commerce workflow

Scanning: Inbound against a PO and batch pick in one bin

The economy module

Table of contents

Basics of Ongoing WMS

Creating and editing articles

Creating a new goods owner

Creating a new user

Changing settings on pages

Excel import functionality

Edit the warehouse map

Setting up automatic emails

Using the Ongoing printer service

Transporter assignment in Ongoing

Alternative barcodes

Using picking filters

Table of contents

Scanning: Inbound against a PO and batch pick in one bin

Saving photos on purchase orders

Adding ongoing scanning module to your home screen

Using pictures in the scanning module

Scanning using a mobile phone and a bluetooth scanner

Alternative barcodes

Using Our scanning module as a digital pick list

Inbound scanning in Ongoing WMS

Scanning customer returns in Ongoing WMS

Using scanning on a mobile phone

RFID scanning

Table of contents

Receiving and moving goods

How to create a purchase order

Saving photos on purchase orders

Scanning using a mobile phone and a bluetooth scanner

Inbound scanning in Ongoing WMS

Scanning customer returns in Ongoing WMS

Cross-docking scanning

RFID scanning

Table of contents

How to pick orders

How to batch pick orders

Partial deliveries and back orders

Batch picking with a picking cart

Transporter assignment in Ongoing

Using Our scanning module as a digital pick list

Using picking filters

Table of contents

Batch, expiry date and serial numbers

Kit articles


Changing method for allocating goods

Creating inventory tasks

Table of contents

Customer account in Ongoing WMS