Integration between Ongoing WMS and HostedShop
Are you tired of handling one order at the time? Or do you have many mistakes in the picking and packing process? Don’t worry, Ongoing Warehouse Management System (WMS) is the software for you! Ongoing WMS purpose is for you to be able to simplify your processes in the warehouse and to be able to connect necessary complementing systems. Start working with features like batch-picking, getting efficient picking routes, error-reducing scanning, automatic label printing, and more.
If you're a third-party logistics provider, you'll be pleased to know that onboarding customers from HostedShop – a Danish company specializing in e-commerce platforms and hosting – can be swift and seamless, allowing you to start fulfilling their orders in no time!
Start saving time and money with Ongoing WMS today!
The integration supports the following flows:
- Article data from HostedShop to Ongoing WMS
- Orders from HostedShop to Ongoing WMS
- Synchronized stock information
Getting started
Ongoing has made an integration to HostedShop. For us at Ongoing WMS to set up the HostedShop integration we need the following operations to be performed by you:
Activate the SOAP API
Follow the instructions in this guide to activate the SOAP API in HostedShop.
Note that Ongoing will need the SOAP API to be activated, not to confuse with the GraphQL API.
Create an API user
Follow the instructions in this guide to create a new API user in HostedShop.
Ongoing will need the following information from the API user to set up the integration:
- Username
- Password
If you are interested in setting up this integration, please contact Ongoing.