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Integration between Ongoing WMS and LogiSystems KuljetusVelho

LogiSystems KuljetusVelho is a Finnish transport management system. Ongoing has developed an integration with LogiSystems KuljetusVelho.


Make transport bookings directly from Ongoing WMS

You can create a shipment in LogiSystems KuljetusVelho based on an order in Ongoing WMS. All information about the shipment (address and number of packages) can be entered into Ongoing WMS, and then transferred to LogiSystems KuljetusVelho at the click of a button. When setting up the integration, you can choose to schedule shipment events from LogiSystems. This is used to keep track of when the parcel is delivered to the end customer.

Default setup

The order is sent to LogiSystems KuljetusVelho when the Send button is pressed in Ongoing WMS.

Get Started

Ask LogiSystems for credentials to LogiSystems REST-API. This is necessary so that Ongoing WMS and LogiSystems can exchange data.

After you have gathered this information, please see this guide on how to set up an integration between LogiSystems and Ongoing WMS.


None* = those fields are not in the default set up, but it is easy to set them to any field in Ongoing.

Mapping Logisystems NewOrder - Ongoing Order

Logisystems Ongoing
AdditionalInformation OrderInfoOrderRemark
ADRdelivery false
ArrivalNumber None*
ArrivalVehicle None*
Creator "Ongoing-" + GoodsOwnerReference or GoodsOwnerName
CustomerNumber TransportPayerCustomerCode
DangerousGoods None*
DeliveryAddress Consignee
Name Consignee⇒Name
Address Consignee⇒Address
Address2 Consignee⇒Address2 + Consignee⇒Address3
ZipCode Consignee⇒PostCode
City Consignee⇒City
Country Consignee⇒CountryCode
Email OrderInfoEmailNotification or ConsigneeEmail
Phone OrderInfoSMSNotification or ConsigneeMobilePhone +"/"+OrderInfoTelephoneNotification or ConsigneeTelePhone
DeliveryClause None*
DeliveryClauseCollectionName None*
DeliveryClauseLocation None*
HaulierID None*
OrderNumber OrderInfoGoodsOwnerOrderNumber
OrderType "TO"
OtherPayer None*
Pallets None*
Payer "C"
PickupAddress Consignor
Name ConsignorName +" c/o "+ GoodsOwnerInfoName
Address ConsignorAddress
Address2 ConsignorAddress2 + ConsignorAddress3
ZipCode ConsignorPostCode
City ConsignorCity
Country ConsignorCountryCode
Email ConsignorEmail
Phone ConsignorTelePhone
OrderDate OrderInfo ⇒ DeliveryDate
TransportDate DateTime.Now
WaybillDate DateTime.Now
Receiver (Same mapping as DeliveryAddress)Consignee
Name ConsigneeName
Address ConsigneeAddress
Address2 ConsigneeAddress2 + Consignee⇒Address3
ZipCode ConsigneePostCode
City ConsigneeCity
Country ConsigneeCountryCode
Email OrderInfoEmailNotification or ConsigneeEmail
Phone OrderInfoSMSNotification or ConsigneeMobilePhone +"/"+OrderInfoTelephoneNotification or ConsigneeTelePhone
ReceiverReference OrderInfoSalesCode
Rows OrderInfoGoodsItems
ItemNumber GoodsItemsGoodsCategory
ItemName GoodsItemsGoodsCategory
Quantity GoodsItemsNumberOfPackages
Unit GoodsItemsPackageTypeCode
Info None*
Unit2 None*
Weight GoodsItemsWeight
Volume GoodsItemsVolume
IsPallet true if palletTypeCode = "EP,HP or QP. false otherwise
RowType "R"
Sender (Same mapping as PickupAddress) Consignor
Name ConsignorName +" c/o "+ GoodsOwnerInfoName
Address ConsignorAddress
Address2 ConsignorAddress2 + Consignor⇒Address3
ZipCode ConsignorPostCode
City ConsignorCity
Country ConsignorCountryCode
Email ConsignorEmail
Phone ConsignorTelePhone
SenderReference OrderInfoOrderId
Status "1"
TransportInstructions OrderInfoDeliveryInstruction
TransportType "EXP"
WayBill NewGuid()