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Integration between Ongoing WMS and Rackbeat

Rackbeat is a lightweight, webbased Warehouse Management System (WMS) and is often used as the warehouse module for the Visma software suite. Ongoing has developed an integration between Rackbeat and Ongoing WMS designed for those that need smart warehouse functionalities such as scanning, batchpicking of orders, detailed warehouse maps, and many more features. Moreover, with this integration you can easily outsource your logistics to a fulfillment provider (3PL) that uses Ongoing WMS.

Get started with a FREE trial of Ongoing WMS today!

Table of contents

Getting started

  1. The Rackbeat API requires an API token. To create tokens, login to Rackbeat, go to settings and find the API menu. Then create a new API token.
  2. Insert the API token in Ongoing WMS by navigating to the page Integrations and emails by choosing Rackbeat in the list of integrations that appear when clicking the button New integration or e-mail.
  3. Besides an API key the integration also requires:
    • Location in Rackbeat that corresponds to the warehouse using Ongoing WMS

Note: The selected location will be used to ensure that the integration will only fetch order lines and purchase order lines marked for that specific location in Rackbeat. This way the integration ensures it will only work with the lines that are meant for the warehouse. The location is also used if the stock sync is activated to ensure the integration updates the quantity in the correct location.

Scheduled functions

Some functions in the integration run on a schedule. Products, orders and purchase orders are synced automatically from Rackbeat to Ongoing WMS.


Products are read automatically from Rackbeat to Ongoing WMS. If a change is made in Rackbeat, it will be reflected automatically in Ongoing WMS.

Field mapping

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS field name Rackbeat field name
Article ⇒ Article numberProduct ⇒ Number
Article ⇒ BarcodeProduct ⇒ Barcode
Article ⇒ Customer priceProduct ⇒ Sales price taxful
Article ⇒ DescriptionProduct ⇒ Description
Article ⇒ Article group ⇒ NameProduct ⇒ Group ⇒ Name
Article ⇒ Article group⇒ NumberProduct ⇒ Group ⇒ Number
Article ⇒ HeightProduct ⇒ Physical ⇒ Height
Article ⇒ Is batch articleProduct ⇒ Batch control ⇒ Is active
Article ⇒ Is serial number articleProduct ⇒ Serial numbers ⇒ Is active
Article ⇒ LengthProduct ⇒ Physical ⇒ Length
Article ⇒ Link to pictureProduct ⇒ Picture URL
Article ⇒ Main supplierProduct ⇒ Default supplier
Article ⇒ NameProduct ⇒ Name
Article ⇒ WeightProduct ⇒ Physical ⇒ Weight
Article ⇒ WidthProduct ⇒ Physical ⇒ Width


By default, all products that have been updated in Rackbeat since the last time the integration ran will be synced to Ongoing WMS.


Orders are read automatically from Rackbeat to Ongoing WMS.

Field mapping

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS field name Rackbeat field name
Order info ⇒ Goods owner order IDOrder ⇒ Number
Order info ⇒ Order numberOrder ⇒ Number
Order info ⇒ Customs ⇒ Customs value currency codeOrder ⇒ Currency
Order info ⇒ Delivery dateOrder ⇒ Delivery date
Order info ⇒ Delivery instructionOrder ⇒ Delivery terms
Order info ⇒ Invoice numberOrder ⇒ Our reference ⇒ Number
Order info ⇒ Reference numberOrder ⇒ Our reference
Order info ⇒ Terms of paymentOrder ⇒ Payment terms ⇒ Name/Description/Id
Customer ⇒ NameOrder ⇒ Delivery customer name + Delivery customer name2
Customer ⇒ AddressDelivery address ⇒ Street
Customer ⇒ Address2Delivery address ⇒ Street2
Customer ⇒ CityDelivery address ⇒ City
Customer ⇒ Country codeExtracted from Delivery address ⇒ Country
Customer ⇒ Post codeDelivery address ⇒ Zip code
Customer ⇒ EmailDelivery address ⇒ Email
Customer ⇒ Mobile phoneDelivery address ⇒ Phone
Customer ⇒ Notify by emailTrue if Delivery address ⇒ Email is non-empty
Customer ⇒ Notify by SMSTrue if Delivery address ⇒ Phone is non-empty
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ AddressBilling address ⇒ Street
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ Address2Billing address ⇒ Street2
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ CityBilling address ⇒ City
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ Country codeExtracted from Billing address ⇒ Country
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ Post codeBilling address ⇒ Zip code
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ EmailBilling address ⇒ Email
Customer ⇒ Invoice address ⇒ Mobile phoneBilling address ⇒ Phone
Order line ⇒ Article NumberOrder line ⇒ Item ⇒ Number
Order line ⇒ Customer line priceOrder line ⇒ Total incl. VAT
Order line ⇒ Order line total customs valueOrder line ⇒ Total incl. VAT
Order line ⇒ Product codeOrder line ⇒ Item ⇒ Number
Order line ⇒ External Order line IDOrder line ⇒ ID
Order line ⇒ Number of ItemsOrder line ⇒ Quantity


By default, all booked orders that have been updated in Rackbeat since the last time the integration ran will be synced to Ongoing WMS. The order rows will be limited to those that corresponds to the location selected on the integration page in Ongoing WMS to ensure that the warehouse only picks the rows they are meant to pick.

Show filters

Rackbeat field name Default filter
Order ⇒ BookedTrue
Order ⇒ Last change timeLater than the last time the integration synced
Order row ⇒ LocationThe location selected on the integrations page

Purchase orders

Purchase orders are read automatically from Rackbeat to Ongoing WMS.

Field mapping

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS field name Rackbeat field name
Order info ⇒ Order numberPurchase order ⇒ Number
Order info ⇒ Order RemarkPurchase order ⇒ Note
Order info ⇒ Reference numberPurchase order ⇒ Your reference id
Order info ⇒ Order datePurchase order ⇒ Created at
Supplier ⇒ NumberPurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Number
Supplier ⇒ NamePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Name
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ NamePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Name
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ AddressPurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Address street
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ Address2Purchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Address street 2
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ CityPurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Address city
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ Country codePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Address country
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ Post codePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Address zip code
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ EmailPurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Contact email
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ TelephonePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Contact phone
Supplier ⇒ Address ⇒ MobilePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Contact phone
Supplier ⇒ Group ⇒ CodePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Group ⇒ Number
Supplier ⇒ Group ⇒ NamePurchase order ⇒ Supplier ⇒ Group ⇒ Name
Order line ⇒ Article NamePurchase order line ⇒ Item ⇒ Name
Order line ⇒ Article NumberPurchase order line ⇒ Item ⇒ Number
Order line ⇒ Currency codePurchase order ⇒ Currency
Order line ⇒ Product CodePurchase order line ⇒ Item ⇒ Number
Order line ⇒ External Order line codePurchase order line ⇒ ID
Order line ⇒ Number of ItemsPurchase order line ⇒ Quantity
Order line ⇒ Row pricePurchase order line ⇒ Line total incl. VAT


By default, all booked and not yet received purchase orders that have been updated in Rackbeat will be synced to Ongoing WMS. The purchase order rows will be limited to those that corresponds to the location selected on the integration page in Ongoing WMS to ensure that the warehouse is only advised to receive the rows they are meant to receive.

Show filters

Rackbeat field name Default filter
Purchase order ⇒ Is bookedTrue
Purchase order ⇒ Is receivedFalse
Purchase order ⇒ Last change timeLater than the last time the integration synced
Purchase order row ⇒ LocationThe location selected on the integrations page

Functions based on user actions

Outbound deliveries

When an order has been set to status Sent or Collected in Ongoing WMS a call is sent to the Rackbeat API to creata shipment with the picked amount. It is possible to partially pick orders.

Inbound deliveries

When a delivery is made to the warehouse, this will be recorded on a purchase order. This triggers a creation of a purchase receipt in Rackbeat, where the received amount for each purchase order line will be updated. The default behavior is that the trigger will fire when the purchase order is completed. To allow immediate updates to Rackbeat, please contact Ongoing. It is possible to partly receive a purchase order.

Stock synchronization

By activating the stock synchronization the stock in the integration any inventory adjustments made in Ongoing WMS will be recreated in Rackbeat. Note that this only syncs adjustments, and not absolute quantities. That means that it is importat to ensure that the stock in Rackbeat is the same as in Ongoing WMS when activating the integration.

Note: The information on this page might differ from your integration if any special requests were made during the implementation of the integration.