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Integration between Ongoing WMS and Versafleet

Versafleet is a transport management system built to simplify and digitalise day-to-day operations for transporters around the world.


Create Jobs and Tasks based on Ongoing WMS orders

The integraton allows for automated creation of a Job with an associated Task in Versafleet based on the information in an Ongoing WMS order.

See state of current Versafleet Tasks linked to orders in Ongoing WMS

The integration also supports looking for updates to Versafleet Task states to allow keeping track of current deliveries linked to orders in Ongoing WMS without having to change system.

Default setup

The order is sent to Versafleet when the Send button is pressed in Ongoing WMS. Once the Job and Task have been created in your Versafleet system the corresponding Task GUID will be added as the Ongoing order Waybill value.

In the background the integration will look for updates to Task statuses every 15 minutes and keep them up to date if there is a match between a Versafleet task GUID and an Ongoing WMS order Waybill.


The following data is required to set up an integration with Versafleet:

  1. API key
  2. API secret
Both the API key and API secret can be found in your Versafleet account by browsing to Settings ⇒ General ⇒ DIY Integrations.

After you have gathered this information, please see this guide on how to set up an integration between Ongoing WMS and Versafleet.


Versafleet Create Job - Ongoing WMS order

None* = fields that are not set up by default, but is easy to set to any field in Ongoing WMS.

Show field mapping

Versafleet Ongoing WMS
Job type"Delivery"
Job ⇒ Base taskOrder
Time fromOrder info ⇒ Delivery date
Time type"All day"
Base task ⇒ Address attributesOrder ⇒ Consignor
ZipPost code
Line 1Address
Line 2Address 2 + Address 3
CountryCountry code
Contact personName
Contact numberMobile phone / Telephone
Job ⇒ Customer attributes ⇒ Name Order ⇒ Goods owner info ⇒ Name
Job ⇒ Task attributesOrder ⇒ Order info
Invoice numberOrder ID
Time fromDelivery date
Time type"All day"
RemarksDelivery instruction
Task attributes ⇒ Address attributesOrder ⇒ Consignee
ZipPost code
Line 1Address
Line 2Address 2 + Address 3
CountryCountry code
Contact personName
Contact numberMobile phone / Telephone
Task attributes ⇒ Measurement attributesOrder ⇒ Goods item
QuantityNumber of packages
Quantity unitPackage type name
DescriptionGoods category

Ongoing WMS order - Versafleet Create Job response

Show field mapping

Ongoing WMS Versafleet
Order ⇒ Order info ⇒ WaybillJob ⇒ Task ⇒ GUID

Task delivery status mapping

Show status mapping

Versafleet Ongoing WMS
CollectedPicked up by carrier
StartedOn way