Integration between Visma Administration and Ongoing WMS
IT-Stöd has a long-term relationsship with both Visma and Ongoing and has, over several years, provided a software integration between Visma Administration and Ongoing WMS that is used by customers across all business areas.
IT-Stöd is also working with other business systems such as Business Central, Fortnox, Winbas, and Visma eEkonomi, and provides, among others, integrations and Power BI reports tailored to customers' needs.
Key features of the integration
The main reasons for customers to use IT-Stöd's integration are to ease the work with order picking, inbound deliveries and to enable the ability to work with several storage locations. Stock balances are updated based on transactions.
Flow of information
The following information travels from Visma to Ongoing WMS:
- Article data and structural articles
- Customer orders
- Purchase orders
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Inbound deliveries (an incoming delivery note will be created in Visma)
- Picked and delivered goods
- Inventory adjustments made in Ongoing
- New orders created in Ongoing that become new orders in Visma
Contact IT-stöd to learn more about their offering and their integration between Ongoing WMS and Visma Administration.