Integration between Ongoing WMS and Volusion
Volusion is an American all-in-one ecommerce solution with plenty different available features to help with creating and managing a webshop.
The integration between Ongoing WMS and Volusion comes with the following features.Sync Articles
The article registry in Volusion can be synced into Ongoing WMS using the Volusion API.
Field mapping
Ongoing WMS field name | Volusion field name |
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ArticleName | Product ⇒ ProductName |
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ArticleNumber | Product ⇒ ProductCode |
ArticleDefinition ⇒ ProductCode | Product ⇒ ProductID |
ArticleDefinition ⇒ Price | Product ⇒ ProductPrice |
ArticleDefinition ⇒ Article description | Product ⇒ ProductDescriptionShort |
Sync Orders
Orders can be synced from Volusion into Ongoing WMS using the Volusion API.
Field mapping
Ongoing WMS field name | Volusion field name |
OrderInfo ⇒ GoodsOwnerOrderId | vOrder ⇒ OrderId |
OrderInfo ⇒ GoodsOwnerOrderNumber | vOrder ⇒ OrderId |
OrderInfo ⇒ DeliveryDate | vOrder ⇒ OrderDate |
Customer ⇒ CustomerNumber | vOrder ⇒ CustomerID |
Customer ⇒ Name | vOrder ⇒ ShipFirstName + ShipLastName or ShipCompanyName |
Customer ⇒ Address | vOrder ⇒ ShipAddress1 |
Customer ⇒ Address2 | vOrder ⇒ ShipAddress2 |
Customer ⇒ PostCode | vOrder ⇒ ShipPostalCode |
Customer ⇒ City | vOrder ⇒ ShipCity |
Customer ⇒ CountryCode | vOrder ⇒ ShipCountry |
Customer ⇒ MobilePhone | vOrder ⇒ ShipPhoneNumber |
Customer ⇒ Email | Customer ⇒ EmailAddress |
Orderline ⇒ ExternalOrderLineCode | vOrderLine ⇒ OrderDetailID |
Orderline ⇒ ArticleNumber | vOrderLine ⇒ ProductCode |
Orderline ⇒ ProductCode | vOrderLine ⇒ ProductID |
Orderline ⇒ ArticleName | vOrderLine ⇒ ProductName |
Orderline ⇒ NumberOfItems | vOrderLine ⇒ Quantity |
Orderline ⇒ OrderLineComment | vOrderLine ⇒ Options |
For more information about how to set up a Volusion integration please contact us.