Goods owners

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In the terminology of Ongoing WMS, the customers of a warehouse are called goods owners. These are the businesses for which the warehousing services are performed. Each goods owner is completely separate from the others, and each has its own article registry, stock balances, orders, and so on. In the top right-hand corner of the screen you can see which goods owner you are currently working with:

Drop-down list for option of goods owner at Ongoing WMS.

If you have access to more than one goods owner, you can also change to another using the drop-down in the top right-hand corner.

Creating and editing goods owners

To create or edit a goods owner, go to Administration ⇒ Goods owners:

Register settings displayed on hovering tab for registers. Showing all subtabs and how to get to goods owners subtab.

Creating a new goods owner is fairly simple. The only thing which is always required is the name of the goods owner. Below is an example of how you would create a new goods owner called "T-Shirt Store":

Options in form for creating a new goodsowner in Ongoing WMS.

If you wish to edit a goods owner which already exists, find the correct goods owner in the table and click on "Edit" (the pen icon):

List of already existing goods owners in registry in wms. Boxes for selection of goods owners.

Goods owner data

Below we present the various data which can be stored on a goods owner.

Basic data

Beside the name, there are some additional basic fields which you may wish to fill in.

Field nameDescription
Goods owner The name of the goods owner.
Warehouse address The main warehouse which you intend to use for this goods owner. This field is only used for informational purposes, e.g. in various printouts.
Group Which goods owner group the goods owner should belong to (not mandatory).
Comment Comment about the goods owner.
Used for training or test Whether or not you intend to use this goods owner for training or testing. Marking a goods owner as being for testing changes the system logic in some cases. For instance, when the system wants to find out which locations are empty, it will not count goods from training goods owners.


In May 2018, the European Union implemented the General Data Protection Regulation. This puts several requirements on businesses that handle personal data. In Ongoing WMS there are features which assists you with some of your responsibilities.

Data controller

One of the consequences of GDPR is that you will have to state a person as contact if you are going to process personal data on the goods owner's behalf in Ongoing WMS. The goods owner is then called 'data controller'. This contact can be their data protection officer (DPO) or other contact person if they do not have a DPO. In the above example, we have filled in "John Doe" as the contact for T-Shirt Store and added his email address. If you are not going to process personal data for the goods owner, you can uncheck the checkbox marked.

Automatic removal of personal data

When creating a new goods owner, the setting "Schedule for removal of customer data" is enabled by default. This means that the customer and order info will be kept for 180 days after the order has been finished in Ongoing WMS. The following information is cleared:

  • Integration log files,
  • customer info,
  • address info,
  • order info, and
  • related logs.
It is possible to disable this setting if you have other requirements. This means that information regarding orders and customers will be kept until you decide to clear it. Logs are cleared automatically anyway. It is also possible to alter the number of days using the setting DaysToKeepCustomerInfo. Note that logs are also periodically cleaned for performance reasons.


There are additional goods owner fields that are hidden when first creating a new goods owner. These fields are instead available to use after the goods owner has been created. These more advanced fields don't have any standard meaning, but are used on a case-by-case basis. Rather than documenting these fields, we recommend that you contact Ongoing if you think you might have a case where it makes sense to use those fields.

Video on creating a goods owner in Ongoing WMS

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