Integrations using EDI

EDI, or Electronic Data Interchange, is a communication technology that allows businesses to exchange documents and data electronically in a standardized format. Ongoing has many customers that use various standards of EDI to communicate with their Ongoing systems and a company emposing them to use EDI to communicate with their system. Some notable examples of retail chains that Ongoing customers can obtain orders from and advise shipments to are swedish ICA and Coop and finnish SOK, Tokmanni and Kesko.

EDIFACT standard

EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport) is an international standard for electronic data interchange (EDI) developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It is a set of rules and standards that defines the structure and content of electronic messages used for the exchange of business data between different computer systems.

Third-party integration solutions

Integrations between Ongoing WMS and systems using EDI are sold and maintained by third parties. Ongoing does not sell or maintain any integration to systems using EDI.

Dialect Skövde

Dialect Skövde has experience with developing integrations between Ongoing WMS and systems which use EDIFACT files. Dialect Skövde offer solutions within IT, telephony and vehicle solutions and ensure that everything works together. Please visit their website for additional information about their services.

Dialect logo


Supermind, a Finnish software company, specializes in providing supply chain management software solutions. They possess extensive experience in integrating ERP and WMS solutions with major Finnish retail chains such as SOK, Kesko, and Tokmanni. Acting as a direct EDI integrator, Supermind eliminates the need for goods owners to have a separate EDI operator. The most common EDIFACT message files they’ve utilized are ORDERS and DESADV.

Through these integrations, goods owners can receive orders directly from their customers to Ongoing WMS. When the orders are shipped, the customer receives electronic dispatch advice in real time. This automation of order receiving and dispatch advice sending eliminates the need for manual entry of orders into Ongoing by the goods owner. It also provides the customer with information about shipped order lines before the goods arrive, enabling them to allocate resources and automate the intake process.

In addition to these services, Supermind also develops custom integrations between any system (ERP, PIM, or webstore) that lacks built-in integration with Ongoing.

Supermind logo

Getting Started

The integrator will require access to Ongoing WMS' API before they can set up the integration. Please see this guide on how to give someone API access to your Ongoing WMS.