Integration between Ongoing WMS and Pigu Marketplace
Pigu is the largest e-commerce marketplace in the Baltics, owned by Pigu Hobby Hall Group. The marketplace operates in 4 countries under well-known names: Pigu.lt in Lithuania, 220.lv in Latvia, Kaup24.ee in Estonia and HobbyHall.fi in Finland. The company DisainVeeb has built and maintains an integration between Pigu and Ongoing WMS.
The integration does the following:
- Sends orders from Pigu Marketplace to Ongoing WMS
- Attaches a shipping PDF file provided by Pigu to Ongoing WMS order if order is type crossdocking and is sent via Pigu warehouse to end client.
- Sends tracking code from Ongoing WMS to Pigu Marketplace if order type is not crossdocking
Get Started
First, you will need to access your API keys in Ongoing WMS and then contact DisainVeeb to set up the integration.