Ongoing WMS and Webshipper integration
Webshipper is a Danish delivery management system made by nShift. Ongoing WMS has added Webshipper to the already extensive set of shipping capabilities of the system, making it even easier for 3PL fulfillment providers or eCommerce companies in Denmark to make use of Ongoing WMS to improve their warehousing.
Make transport bookings directly from Ongoing WMS
The information about a shipment can be entered (via integration or manually) into the WMS, and then transferred to Webshipper at the click of a button. After Webshipper has received all information, a transport label can be printed. You will also receive electronic tracking information.
Fetch return orders from Webshipper to Ongoing WMS
Return orders can be fetched from Webshipper to Ongoing WMS. As long as each return order in Webshipper corresponds to an existing order in Ongoing WMS it is possible to fetch return orders from Webshipper. This way the integration can fetch returns created in a return portal directly by the end customers. Among the information fetched from Webshipper is the return cause, meaning the warehouse will be able to see the reason why the end customer returned the goods. For more info about this, see the section regarding return orders in our Order integration
Get started
The following data is required to set up an integration with Webshipper:
- Account name*
- API key
* The account name can be found in the URL when you use Webshipper, where the URL will look like https://<account_name>.webshipper.io.
After you have gathered this information, please see this guide on how to set up an integration between Ongoing WMS and Webshipper.