Statistics and KPI

Table of contents


Because Ongoing WMS keeps track of every warehouse transaction, it is possible to compute various statistics, measures or Key Performance Indicators (KPI). You may wish to see how many orders have been picked in total for a particular goods owner, or how many orders a particular user has picked, or how many items have been received during a period. Combine your indicators to improve your business. In this text you get an overview about what Ongoing WMS offers.

The statistics pages are accessed using the Statistics menu:

View of the statistics pages in Ongoing WMS.

Some pages compute the statistics for an entire period, while others display the statistics on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Some display several statistics at once, while others display only a single statistic at a time.


The submenu Warehouse contains the following pages. They contain statistics which are related to the entire warehouse or to the goods owners.

Stock turnover

Shows how many days each item in your warehouse has been in stock.

Warehouse statistics

Shows a selection of statistics, such as number of picked orders, for the current goods owner.

Statistics / day

Shows a selection of statistics for one or more goods owners. The statistics are displayed per day. The default statistics which are shown are:

Statistics / month

Shows a single statistic at a time for one goods owner. The statistic is displayed per month. The default statistics which are available to select are:

Statistics / goods owner

Shows several statistics for several goods owners. The statistics are displayed per goods owner. The default statistics which are shown are:

Degree of occupancy

This shows you what percentage of locations in your warehouse were used during a particular period.


This page can be configured to display various statistics, such as "Number of orders shipped today". It is mainly intended to be displayed on a fixed screen in an office or in the warehouse. Please contact Ongoing Warehouse to set this up.


The submenu Article statistics contains statistics which relate to the articles of the current goods owner.

Article statistics

Shows article statistics for the articles of the current goods owner during a certain period. The statistics which are shown for each article are:

Article statistics / month

Shows one statistic for the articles of the current goods owner. The statistic is displayed per month. The default statistics which are available to select are:

Historical stock balance

Allows you to see what quantity was in stock at a date in the past.


Statistics / user

This page shows you what each user has done, in total, during a particular period. The values are computed either for all goods owners, or for a particular goods owner. The statistics which are shown by default for each user are:

Statistics / user / period

This page shows you what each user has done, on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The statistics which are shown by default for each user are: